Weekly Devlog: 4 of 16

Hello everybody, Kaiden here once more for the weekly devlog. Not too much to go over at this time, but we have some big additions that will be coming soon. So, for this week, expect some more low key additions.

Added Features

New: Camera Shake

To give the game some real impact, we've added a camera shake script that applies a delicate shaking effect to certain actions. Currently, only the Ram triggers this, but we're finetuning the script itself to fully incorporate it across the levels. Once this is done, we'll see where else we can use it and update as necessary!

What's Next?

This week has mainly been minor additions and general fixes. We have something larger in the works dependent on fellow team member, but don't want to spoil just yet -- we're not quite sure when this particular batch of things will be finished. The audio is also getting a slight rebalancing to make way for new music tracks. Speaking of which, you can hear a sneak peak of the first level theme in action here!

Much of our focus right now lies in making the game feel as responsive as possible, adding the true GyroGun flare to make this game feel just right. We're looking forward to pushing out another build, so please stay tuned. In the meantime, remember to try out our previous build if you haven't already!



GyroGun(Proto V0.1.5)(BETA)(Built).zip 31 MB
50 days ago

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