Weekly Devlog: 10 of 16

Hey there, Kaiden here. You know what time it is: time for your weekly GyroGun update! Here's what we've been working on.

Upcoming Size Fixes

For some time, the tilemap and sprites of the game have been improperly scaled, with certain enemies placed in imprecise spots, or the levels themselves being inconsistent in size with the player. Tyro has been has begun work on completely fixing the sizes of the assets. It's going to be a longer task, but in the long run, will make quite a difference in making the game's assets look a lot better.


In a game of precision, not only must you maneuver around the level as quickly as possible, you must avoid being harmed. Alongside the enemies, new hazards like spike traps and explosive barrels will be added -- with a twist! A clever player can use the spikes as a boost in momentum, allowing you to get an extra bit of air. Shoot an explosive barrel to send yourself flying, and perhaps, could you take out enemies along the way? 

Sound Effects

Some new sound effects for the player have been added, as well as some extra sound effects for the player's movement and status.

As always, we appreciate your time, and if you haven't already, be sure to try the new build of GyroGun here!



GyroGun(Proto V0.1.8 Beta)(Built).zip 42 MB
Oct 21, 2024

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