Weekly Devlog: 14 of 16

Greetings, today's post brings some particularly interesting new features to gameplay:


Want to get around in a flash? There are now teleporters placed throughout certain levels, allowing you to pop into a completely different zone within an instant! The teleport also keeps your momentum, ensuring you remain mobile the entire time. As an added bonus, you can even shoot into the portals to destroy enemies from a distance. Just be warned, they can do the same to you, and they'll see you coming from far further...

One-Way Platforms

You can now go through certain platforms from only one direction. Internally, the direction you are locked from can also be altered. This opens up new possibilities in the level design, and we're excited to see what we can do. In addition, there are invisible one way platforms that exist, too. Mysterious!

Saw Hazard

The sawblade hazard has been added, functioning similarly to the spikes, but slightly launching you based on a certain direction. Like all hazards, you could potentially use it for movement, but it'll sting!

We're slowly reaching the final week of our class. Overall, we're very happy with how the game has transformed over these past weeks, and we'll be adding more even still! A new build should be ready soon after the UI is overhauled, so we'll keep all of you posted. 

Until next time!

Get GyroGun

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