Weekly Devlogs II: Week 3/4(Part 1)

hey friends! Tyro Here.

Oy. Vey. The past couple weeks have been really chaotic for me personally, hence why I missed last week's devlog. As a result, I'm splitting this week's log into 2 parts. This one will go over some bug fixes, and then Kaiden will be giving out a general outline of what's left of the levels we're working on, plus the beginning of the end: Polish!

In terms of bugfixes, there's a major issue that's plagued the game for a while. Seemingly no-one has noticed it, but I started pointing it out to Kaiden, and he reciprocated certain concerns I had. What was going on was the collisions in the hitboxes for the game's tilemap were...a bit wierd. For instance, if you tried moving up or down slopes, it became oddly difficult to stay on them. What was going on is the tiles which made that slope were too close together hitbox wise, therefore making hitboxes overlap and causing it to bump the player a lot. 

Another odd side effect however is when the player was moving at fast speeds, especially as you hit a boost pad. There are rare instances that made the player jolt into the air slightly despite zero input from the player. These hitboxes are partially responsible for that. 

Long story short, it took some time(and some worry) to figure out a solution that would mean not having to rework the levels we already have and be forced to re-do a lot of already existing work. Now that it's over, we can focus on more levels again(assuming my time to work on things doesn't get hijacked again...)


GyroGun(Proto V0.1.9.5 Beta)(BUILT).zip 44 MB
15 days ago

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